Robin goland
Robin goland

robin goland

The Diabetes Program has catapulted to the forefront among the major centers of excellence at the Medical Center.

robin goland

Noteworthy strengths in Metabolic Bone Diseases, Diabetes, and Neuroendocrinology are complemented by strengths in other areas such as lipid and lipoprotein metabolism and adipocyte biology, and interdisciplinary connections to molecular sciences. It is also one of the largest divisions in Columbia’s Department of Medicine. With 39 faculty members, it is one of the largest Divisions of Endocrinology in the United States. The Division of Endocrinology has experienced a prolonged period of faculty and programmatic growth over the past 2 decades. We continue to attract the best applicants in the United States. It is, thus, one of the oldest training programs in the country. The program has been supported, in part, by an NIH training grant for over 50 years. Towards this goal, trainees acquire skills in basic, translational and clinical research in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism. The Training Program in The Division of Endocrinology provides an opportunity for promising postdoctoral individuals of exceptional quality to pursue careers in academic endocrinology and biomedical research. Our division has multiple, well-funded bench/translational researchers and clinical investigators for the fellows to work with, and offers funding for presentations at national meetings. Over the next several months, fellows meet with potential research mentors to discuss projects and opportunities.

robin goland

In the summer of their first year, fellows meet with a prominent faculty mentor to discuss research areas of interest and a list of possible members is generated.

Robin goland